Finding Greatness

Finding Greatness - Short Documentary

Short Documentary Series


This inspiring story follows the journey of a talented young African Canadian boy who dreams of making a mark in the film industry. Growing up in Edmonton, Alberta, he faces numerous obstacles and barriers to entry, yet his passion and determination remain unshakeable.

Creative Direction

"Finding Greatness" is a short documentary series that follows the journey of a talented young high school African Canadian boy who dreams of making a mark in the film industry. Set in Edmonton, Alberta, this inspiring story showcases the protagonist's unwavering passion and determination as he faces numerous obstacles and barriers to entry. The cinematography of the series is designed to appeal to a younger audience through reactive camera movements, intimate perspectives, a 4x3 aspect ratio, and a film colour grade. To engage viewers, the camera will employ reactive movements, capturing the energy and excitement of the protagonist's journey. Intimate perspectives, with up-close and personal shots, will create an emotional connection between the audience and the subject, especially in scenes filmed at Strathcona High School. The use of a 4x3 aspect ratio will add a timeless and cinematic feel, while the film colour grade will evoke emotions and enhance the storytelling. Together, these cinematography choices will bring the inspiring story of determination and resilience to life.

Finding Greatness
Finding Greatness